Political Overload For what seems like an eternity we Americans have been inundated by political advertising. Radio and TV ads, flyers and pre-recorded phone messages. Talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage have had a heyday digging themselves into their o... Read more
Don't Forget, We Pay Your Salary A few days ago we had what was thankfully an unusual occurrence at our North Pacific Union office. One of our "saints" came into the lobby and asked for a certain service. Our receptionist graciously responded that because we were an administrativ... Read more
What's the Difference? Our Personal Response My wife, Sue, was not raised in an Adventist home; but as a young girl her mother did on occasion take her to the local Adventist church. It was enough to whet her spiritual appetite.The fall after she was baptized she begged her father to allow h... Read more
Adventist Women: Faithful in Many Things When I read the title of our feature this month, A Ministry for Every Woman, I was taken back a few years to my pre-teens. We were a bunch of high-energy earliteens. Not bad kids, just...earliteens. Each Sabbath, Edith and Ruth, two young, single ... Read more
God Doesn't Forget Prodigals And Neither Should We My wife's mother grew up in Battle Creek, Michigan, eating Rusketts and Protose, attending the Battle Creek Tabernacle and 12 years of Battle Creek Academy, and eventually working at John Harvey Kellogg's Battle Creek Sanitarium. Back then you cou... Read more
Good Morning, This is God Recently I was dealing with a complicated, difficult and frustrating situation. I thought, I prayed, I fasted, I counseled.… I laid awake at night.It reminded me of a greeting card a friend once sent me. On the cover was a picture of a cross-legge... Read more
Are We Eliminating Sabbath School? I love Sabbath School. Whether it's in Spokane or Walla Walla, Sao Paulo or Manila. Being warmly welcomed by the saints, studying the lesson with an open Bible and the inspiring mission stories from the Northwest and around the world.But wait a mi... Read more
Divine Appointments I had just boarded an airplane in Portland, nothing unusual in and of itself, on my way to Boise, when we heard the dreaded words, "Please deplane as we are experiencing mechanical difficulties." There was immediate speculation about the real caus... Read more
Ellen G. White Would Have Said "Amen!" Recently two of my favorite young adults stopped by my office. They shall remain anonymous as will the university they attend. As we talked about what was transpiring in their world they recounted an incident they had had on campus not long before... Read more