Hope, a Vaccine Against Fear Roberto and his family all had been infected. Pastor Marco Larumbe prayed and prepared for a special prayer service. He felt like David in all Saul's armor facing Goliath, only in this case the giant’s name was COVID-19. Read how God triumphed ove... Read more
The Act of Morphing While vaccinated citizens, open restaurants and gyms are on the rise, many pastors are wondering what it will take to do church in a postpandemic, socially turmoiled culture. Read more
Lessons I Learned as a Seminary Cop Several decades ago, while a seminary student at Andrews University, I discovered campus security wanted seminary students to work as campus cops. They said we were more mature than other students. I wasn't about to disabuse them of this belief an... Read more
Clanging Cymbals During my freshman year at Southwestern Adventist University in Texas, I took a Bible class called “Life and Teachings of Jesus,” taught by Rob Sheppard. Read more