Covenant When the Creator stepped over the edge of space into our little world, He initiated a rescue operation. In the clutches of fate, we needed a covenant of faith. Read more
Belong The bell rings, books slam shut, doors burst open and a flood of little feet hit the pavement. It’s recess time. Read more
Antibiotics Moderation in all things sounds like a reasonable goal to me. Give me a plate full of eggplant or okra, and I’ll follow that advice to a fault. But I’m liable to renege when brought face to face with my pet weaknesses. Slide a block of cheddar che... Read more
Little We like big things. Big names, big paychecks, big promises. But the little things, often overlooked, are really what matter. Read more
Fermata “The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.” — Mark Twain Read more
Best Imagine if you will a portrait of Paradise, with a white cottage in the midst of a green garden. A young boy plays outside in the sunshine. He is wearing pajamas. Read more
Noise The long drive was over. At a verdant campsite by the rushing water of central Oregon’s McKenzie River we pitched our tent, unfolded the camp stove and chairs, and prepared to enjoy a couple days of wilderness bliss. Read more
Response During a warm snap back in February, I had a talk with a of clump daffodils stubbornly pushing up through the dirt in our front yard. “What are you doing?” I exclaimed. “It’s the middle of winter. You shouldn’t be up yet.” Read more
Tribes I was more than shocked. I was grieved. But I shouldn’t have been surprised. There on Facebook was a forwarded post from a church member that featured a racially charged message about our nation’s president. The words were biased, bigoted, disresp... Read more