Image Credit: Cherelyn Strickland

Sunnyside Pastor Retires

Pastor Larry Mays' last Sabbath at Sunnyside (Wash.) Church was Aug. 30. In his honor, the church held a goodbye/retirement social on Aug. 24 for the church and community to attend.

Mays was in ministry for almost 40 years, serving in California and Ohio as well as at Washington's Sunnyside and Granger churches. Mays was active in the community, even serving as head of the ministerial association for the collective churches in Sunnyside. He was often called on to give prayer before town council meetings.

Among his various duties, he enjoyed the Pathfinder Club and recently took almost a full month escorting the Sunnyside English and Spanish church clubs to Oshkosh, Wis., for the International Pathfinder Camporee. He made sure along the way the kids saw Yellowstone National Park, Mount Rushmore, the largest water park in the U.S., and many other sites most of the youth may never see again.

During his last sermon, after almost 19 years in Sunnyside, Mays asked for a show of hands of those who have known him as their only pastor. More than 50 percent of the congregation raised their hands. So it was hard to say goodbye, but the church members pray that Mays and his wife, Lynell, will be blessed during their retirement in Idaho.

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Featured in: November 2014
