Image Credit: Heidi Baumgartner

Educators Challenged to Foster Atmosphere of Success

Washington Adventist educators went back to school early for a time of training in mid-August. Marking the beginning of another school year, these meetings created an opportunity for educators to corporately foster an intentional attitude of excellence.

The overarching emphasis of this school year sets high standards for teachers. They are encouraged to focus on creating an atmosphere of success through exemplary customer service, solid church relationships and active community-building.

Keynote speaker Ken Aiolupotea, a local customer-service trainer, gave advice on excellence in customer service, saying, “The key to great customer service is a positive attitude, exceeding expectations, and developing a habit of consistency by setting high standards and living them out every day.”

With these goals in mind, teachers attended classes designed to educate them on new technology and inspire them with new resources.

The two-day event ended with a message from Kevin Wilfley, Washington Conference prayer and spiritual growth coordinator, about the importance of confidence. He challenged teachers to daily place their confidence in Christ and to “be people who encourage confidence in those around them.”

Adventist teachers exist to inspire this Christ-confidence in their students. Archie Harris, Washington Conference vice president for education, put their purpose this way: “We want to make sure each student has the opportunity to choose Jesus as their Savior. That is our No. 1 goal.”

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Featured in: October 2014
