Nampa VBS Spy Kids Find the One True God

For the fifth consecutive year, the Nampa Church launched an exciting, interactive Vacation Bible School program, with this year's theme focused on “Answers in Genesis International Spy Academy." During the week, which began June 23, 95 kids became spy agents representing different countries, all searching for clues to find the one true God. They were spy agents in training, seeking to join the “Truth Force,” a specially trained squad of Christians who travel the world exposing false religious dogma by teaching people about the one true God. 

Each night the kids were excited to come back to participate in songs, crafts and Bible stories and watch the fun drama. They were also given a new spy gadget each evening to encourage their continued attendance. Fifty-four percent of the children came from a nonchurch background; 13 percent came from various other denominations. Attendance averaged about 76 kids per night, 77 percent of which came four or five times out of the five days. 

A little 6-year-old girl, who had never heard about Jesus before, saw the kids playing outside and wanted to join in on Thursday. Although it was late in the week, we invited her to attend. That night she went home and told her mom she wanted to pray for the first time in her life. 

Her mother came on Friday and told us that her daughter has wanted to come to church; however, the mom works on the weekends. One of our members offered to provide transportation each Sabbath to make sure this little girl can come to church and learn about Jesus. This is what makes all the effort worth it.

Everyone enjoyed the great finale on Sabbath morning, June 28. The closing program included a timely message from Chris Evenson and culminated with a delicious potluck.

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Featured in: October 2014
