Grants Pass Holds Travel-Themed VBS

The Grants Pass Church was transformed into an airport during the week of July 7–11. Seventy-five children embarked on daily "flights" on Seventh-day Airlines, also known as Vacation Bible School 2014, themed "Missions? Let's go!"

Christian Martin, Grants Pass Church pastor, guided each day's journey as captain. Each flight began with singing, announcements and prayer. Passengers also learned how to say hello in several different languages and identified flags from many countries. They also learned ways to be a missionary right in Grants Pass.

Seventh-day Airlines made several "stops" during each flight. Dedicated flight attendants were on-hand to lead small groups of passengers on different tours at each stop. In "South America," Tony Rodriguez, Grants Pass Church associate pastor, and his wife, Sayuri, led children in games such as a mini-Olympics and breaking a piñata. "Down Under," there were nutritious and delicious snacks. Passengers were also treated to a mission story shared by real-life missionaries.

Back on board, passengers heard from and talk with missionaries overseas via Skype. Children learned about life in countries such as Lebanon, Cambodia, Ireland and the Philippines. Passengers also learned about several important Adventist organizations doing mission work all over the world.

At the next stop, passengers visited the Holy Land to hear a Bible-based mission story. They learned about Jonah and his travels, then heard from King Nebuchadnezzar and how he came to follow God. The passengers acted scenes from the good Samaritan story and toured a museum dedicated to the life of Jesus.

"Asia" was another popular attraction for the passengers, where they made daily crafts such as bookmarks, fans and a small suitcase. Children created many souvenirs to take home from their voyage.

All too quickly, it was time to re-board Seventh-day Airlines and return home. Vacation Bible School Tours has been hailed a success. It could not have happened without the stewardship of Donna Clifford, who assembled a wonderful team of volunteers who made the week a success.

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Featured in: October 2014
