PSAA Students Inducted Into National Honor Society

Character, scholarship, leadership and service are the guiding principles of the National Honor Society and the basis for selecting candidates.

The Puget Sound Adventist Academy (PSAA) Chapter of the National Honor Society in Kirkland was happy to induct new members, based on these traits, during a traditional candle lighting ceremony. The program included a recitation of the National Honor Society goals, a cello solo by Andrew Gagiu and the presentation of new members.

Another highlight of the evening were the reports from PSAA seniors regarding the service projects completed during their years in the National Honor Society. Each member of the PSAA chapter provides a minimum of 50 hours of community service per year, and each member finds unique ways for contributing to his or her community.

Sangmin Kim, PSAA chapter president and an international student from Korea, shared a moving story of how God placed him in situations where he would not only help others but become changed as well.

While on a mission trip his junior year, he fervently hoped that he would not have to work with any children, as he felt that he was not able to connect with them. Upon arriving in Fiji he was disappointed to find that one of his primary assignments was to mix with the younger children. Despite his initial dismay, Kim quickly came to appreciate the experience. Because of this experience, Kim went on to volunteer at a local public school as a tutor/mentor for struggling ELL (English Language Learners) students.

Another senior, Yara Fernandez, shared her journey as a volunteer tutor and interpreter for ELL students at another local public school. Because of her own background with English as a second language, she felt uniquely blessed to give back to others in a way that she herself had been helped. Every senior pointed out that providing service to others was wonderful, but the biggest change is in oneself.

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Featured in: July 2014
