Skagit Grows Courageous Students

Courage is defined as “the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear.”

The staff of Skagit Adventist Academy (SAA) in Burlington chose "Courage" as the theme for the school year, as a way of encouraging students to stand up for what they believe, explore areas they haven’t before and become the people God intended them to be.

Staff have seen the students grow courageously in many ways. One way students show growth is through participation in various community service opportunities.

SAA’s upperclassmen volunteered for a program called Project Homeless Connect in the fall of 2013. The program provides services for those who are homeless as well as though who are in danger of becoming homeless. Students handed out water bottles, delivered meals to service providers, cleaned up after service providers and even helped translate.

Junior Jordyn Byes-Hilde says, “I love going to this school because we are more than just a school; we are a family. We may be small in size, but we make up for it in opportunities, like Project Homeless Connect. I had such a great time helping others with my school.”

At Christmastime, students in pre-K through eighth grade decided to forego classroom parties in lieu of providing Christmas to a family in need. Each classroom was given a detailed wish list for their specific “family.” Each classroom handled it differently, but the end result was the same: a collection of beautifully wrapped gifts ready for delivery.

SAA’s prayer is that all these students continue to grow in courage, allowing them to reach out and help others.

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Featured in: July 2014
