Grants Pass Welcomes New Member

The Grants Pass Church experienced a most moving moment during the April 5 service. Bea LaVigne discovered Better Life Television quite by accident, drawn to its Bible teachings and Christ-centered programming. Through watching, LaVigne discovered the Sabbath and other Adventist messages. She found herself hungry for His Word and continued watching Better Life. LaVigne found sheer joy in growing closer and closer to Jesus by the day. She is just one of many who have been led to Christ through this television ministry, this author included.

LaVigne began attending the Grants Pass Church several months ago. Those who have come to know LaVigne have remarked on her deep faith and thirst to further understand the Three Angels’ Message. Not long after she began attending the Grants Pass Church, it was discovered that LaVigne had cancer in her spine. What began as numbness in her legs has resulted in a very grim cancer diagnosis. LaVigne has been given weeks to live and has lost the ability to walk as of the writing of this article. Her faith is only stronger though this battle. 

While facing a very dark time in her life in this sinful world, LaVigne has not lost that initial joy she found in knowing Jesus. Newly baptized members Mitch Swanson and Rick Peckham carried LaVigne into the baptistery so that Christian Martin, Grants Pass Church pastor, could perform her baptism. This was an intentional act — two new disciples assisting a new disciple.

Martin remarked that LaVigne had "every reason in the world not be baptized — yet she was eagerly determined to do whatever it took to be baptized." She understood the significance of this act of baptism, knowing she’d be a testimony to many for years to come. LaVigne had a huge smile on her face as she realized that, regardless of the battle within her physical body, her eternal life is secure with Jesus.

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Featured in: June 2014
