Anchorage Northside Tries Round Table Evangelism

King Arthur is remembered for his round table that elevated his knights to equal status and allowed them to speak in counsel. This type of leadership certainly was revolutionary for his time, and still is, and it did engender the loyalty and respect of those knights for him. Round table evangelism seeks something similar.

Round table evangelism is really a Bible study that members do with others sitting around tables. The round tables allowed for conversation and interaction with the Bible on an equal basis. Members of the Anchorage Northside Church invited people to come to some interactive prophecy seminars that engaged people in small groups around the tables and then collectively with a presentation. Most evenings ended back in the interactive studies.

Pastors Quentin Purvis and Kevin Miller teamed up for the presentations, while 18 members anchored nine round tables leading people through Bible studies showing Christ in prophecy and the gospel in the context of the last days of Earth’s history. A team of hostesses prepared a light snack for people, and another team led a children’s meeting that coincided with the subjects of the adults. The seminars were quite cost effective as well.

The results of the meeting were threefold. First, members received excellent training in the real-world conditions of giving Bible studies. They found out it is not as hard or as complicated as it is sometimes thought. It also is fun to share Bible truth with people on a level that is nonthreatening and to develop relationships them.

Secondly, it reaffirmed the church’s teaching in a new and fresh way. One of the comments was, “I got more out of this series than others I’ve attended.”

Finally, people made and are making decisions for Christ. There were two baptisms, three rebaptisms and several more continuing to study.

All in all, this interactive style of Bible study engages more church members in active sharing, presents prophecy in fresh ways, and lifts Jesus up as our surety and hope. Under His guidance and the Holy Spirit’s power, Anchorage Northside members look forward to the day when He will sit them down at the table in heaven and lead the Bible study Himself.

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Featured in: June 2014
