Kristen Johnson, Kristen Johnson UCA campus ministries Task Force worker By Kristen Johnson, Kristen Johnson UCA Selects Students as Week of Prayer Speakers This year's UCA student week of prayer speakers were, from left: (front row) Brandon Glovatsky, Ryan Yeo, Dustin Billington, Aaron Vizcarra; (middle row) Phillip Sherwood, Danelle Smith, Emily Wilkens, Danny Lamberton; (back row) Tommy Cutting, Ph... Read more
UCA Selects Students as Week of Prayer Speakers This year's UCA student week of prayer speakers were, from left: (front row) Brandon Glovatsky, Ryan Yeo, Dustin Billington, Aaron Vizcarra; (middle row) Phillip Sherwood, Danelle Smith, Emily Wilkens, Danny Lamberton; (back row) Tommy Cutting, Ph... Read more