The Spirit is Moving in Caldwell

The Caldwell (Idaho) Church has seen the Spirit of the Lord move on the hearts of a number of its young people in recent months. They have taken their stand for Jesus and been baptized along with three adults. The congregation welcomed into God's family and their church family Susie Aguirre, Hannah Baldridge, Reuben Herbel, Paige Hoyt and Simon Smith on Nov. 26, 2011, followed by the baptism of Sierra Bartlett on Dec. 10. Kittie Mowery and Cora Turney were baptized on Feb. 4.

Jim Berglund, Caldwell Church pastor, asked them to write a short statement of what accepting Jesus and baptism meant to them. After introducing each young person entering the baptistery, he read these statements, including:

"I am giving my life to God. He can use me to spread His word," wrote Susie Aguirre;

"I want to be a good influence for my brothers so that they will want to be baptized," wrote Simon Smith;

"I am giving my life to God. I want to serve Him and love Him," wrote Sierra Bartlett;

"It is my desire to experience a more personal walk with Jesus through baptism. I owe Him my life and all that I will ever be. All He asks is that I will let Him live through me, which is exactly what I want to do!" wrote Paige Hoyt.

Most of these young people are 11, while one is older and two are younger. Even as young as they are, they show a depth of true understanding and commitment.

Adults welcomed into the Caldwell Church included Don and Linda Deardorff, who joined by profession of faith on Dec. 10, and Jason Head, who was baptized on Jan. 7. (See this month's GLEANER feature to learn more about the Deardorffs.)

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Featured in: April 2012
