Alaska Couples Rekindle Intimacy

The North American Division Family Ministries, led by Willie and Elaine Oliver, conducted the first Journey Toward Intimacy Marriage Retreat in Alaska, held at the Palmer Church on June 5. The weekend retreat took 32 couples on a journey to discover, or rediscover, God's plan for oneness in marriage — the intimacy they desired and hoped for when they first married. Willie says, "As couples, we must fight against the natural drift toward growing apart, which leads to loneliness and isolation in marriage; husbands and wives can be intimate friends, lovers and allies for a lifetime."

Unexpected and overbooked late registrations caused attendees to squeeze into the church multipurpose room, but allowed participants to learn new techniques in spousal communication and expressions. People who attended found the retreat helpful. "We are stimulated to be more sensitive in each other's needs," and "I need to improve my expression of affection to my spouse," were some of the lingering comments after the weekend seminar. Alaska Conference women's ministries and family ministries coordinated the retreat.

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Featured in: August 2010
