Morris Shares Radical Teachings in Vancouver

The North Pacific Union Conference recently concluded another Momentum series, which featured Derek Morris and the Radical Teachings of Jesus. Morris is the pastor of the 3,200 member Forest Lake Church in Apopka, Fla., and author of The Radical Prayer.

“The title of the series came about in two ways," says Morris. One, my book The Radical Prayer reminds me Jesus wants us to go beyond the ordinary. Then, I realized to a secular, unbelieving world, Jesus' teachings are all radical; Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; the Bible is the reliable Word of God; salvation comes by looking to someone lifted up on a tree; this Jesus who died is risen from the grave and is coming back to the Earth, to end history as we know it.”

Coordinated by Dan Serns, NPUC ministerial director, the preparation for this series began months ago with intercessory prayer groups and missionary partners meeting in nearly 300 homes. More than 99,000 Bible study invitations were mailed to Clark County residents, yielding 500 requests for Bible lessons. The eight nights of meetings are being followed now with continued Bible studies and discipling of new members.

The next Momentum series will be held in Eugene, Ore., Sept. 19–26, 2009, and the speaker will be Jose Rojas, North American Division Office of Volunteer Ministries director.

To learn more about this series or to download audio sermons, please visit the Web site

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Featured in: May 2009
