Tips for Authors Stories Needed for GleanerNOW!

We depend on our church communication leaders and academy, institution and ministries correspondents to supply timely news for publication on the Web site in the GleanerNOW! portion of the front page. If you notice nothing new has been added lately, it’s because we have not received timely new stories.

Here's some ideas on how you can help us: If you have a group going on a short-term mission trip, let us hear from you while they are gone. If your church or group is making a difference in the community share those ideas immediately. Special events can be shared online the very next day with a digital photo!

Stories for GleanerNOW! should be short and to the point, with one good photo showing people in action. You can send a more in-depth story later with more photos for publication in the print edition. We are anxious to have these Web stories posted while they are still NEWS. Thanks for your help—we’re counting on you!

Submit your story and photos online at; click on Contributor’s Information in the left panel and log in. If this is your first time, click on “Click here to set up a contributing writer account.” Below the login area is a link for “Step-by-Step Instructions” to walk you through the process. Print the document out to assist you.

Or you may e-mail your story with the photo attached (not embedded in a Word document or e-mail message) to File size of photo should be at least 600 Kb (400 x 400 pixels minimum).

However you submit your story, always include complete contact information at the end of the story in this order: your name and title, i.e. communication leader, Pathfinder leader or member; the organization you represent, including the city and state location; your daytime telephone number (including area code); and your e-mail address. That will allow us to contact you quickly if we have questions. If the story was written by someone else, we’ll need the same contact information to allow us to contact them if you prefer that.

If you have any problems, feel free to contact us at (360) 857-7043.

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Featured in: February 2007
