Livingstone Greets New High School Faculty

Livingstone Adventist Academy is happy to welcome several new faculty members and to announce one significant change in administration for the 2007–08 school year. God has blessed the growing academy with very capable new teachers and administration.

First of all, Jon Dickerson, recently vice principal and science teacher, graciously accepted the position of principal, filling the position vacated by Barbara Livesay who accepted the job of Family Life Director for the Oregon Conference after the end of last school year.

Filling the position of science instructor is Heather Eick, who came to us from the Loma Linda area. She teaches the high school science classes, and the cooking elective. Before joining us, she taught as a substitute teacher for the public school system. She holds a Master's from Loma Linda University, and is a graduate of Walla Walla University.

Mark Waterhouse is our new math and computer teacher. He is a graduate of Pacific Union College with a degree in elementary education with secondary math. He has taught at Redding Adventist Academy in California. He comes to us a proud family man, and his wife and children are also a welcome addition to our extended school family.

Matthew Sandvik has come to lead our music department and teach Bible. He directs two choirs, a bell choir, and teaches classroom music. Sandvik earned a Master's last year from Walla Walla University, and has Bachelor’s degrees in music and theology. Sandvik and his wife are our most interesting genetic coincidence—they both are identical twins. We are glad to welcome all of our new teachers to our family.

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Featured in: November 2007
