Is Your Church Dormant?

During this cold, wet and often frozen time of year, those of us who like growing things can hardly wait until spring. In a few short months, those dead, dormant sticks around our homes will leaf out and flower, much to our delight and the culinary satisfaction of an endless variety of deer, bunnies and Northwestern slugs.

Some of our churches seem to be in a prolonged state of dormancy. It's difficult here in the Northwest, they say. This is an unchurched society, not given to spiritual things. The list of excuses is long, as if dormancy is natural, acceptable.

But churches that go dormant often die. They may have long-winded discussions on style or theology, but they really need a few members to become spiritual spark plugs. Those involved in outreach, in sharing the Adventist message of hope, will find the vitality of the Spirit returning to their churches.

While the global Adventist Church is growing exponentially, here in North America and specifically in the Northwest, true kingdom growth through new baptisms has been modest. While many from our own corner of the world have eagerly joined overseas short-term mission trips, we need to plan similar time, energy and resources to brighten the corner right here in the everyday circle of influence where God has placed us.

What to do about that? I'd like to hear your response to some of the questions posed at the top left of this page. Is there something more our corporate church structure should be doing to motivate growth? Or is this one of those things that can only happen in individual members, from the inside out? Are you a member of a church that used to be dormant, but has come awake and alive? What made the difference?

As we prepare to interview the North Pacific Union Conference executive secretary, Bryce Pascoe, in our May GLEANER, I would like to get your comments or follow-up questions on this topic and more. Choose the Let's Talk button at, or e-mail me at I'll be anxious to hear from you.

Let's not be content with dormancy. Somewhere, close at hand, the Son is shining, ready to warm us up, ready for new growth.


Churches that go dormant, often die.

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Featured in: February 2006


Steve Vistaunet

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor, 1996–2019

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