God Rewards 40 Days of Fasting and Prayer

As the school year began, the Dillingham Adventist School board realized that they were facing a financial crisis which would leave the small school with a significant cash deficit at the end of the school year. In a combined church and school board meeting, the members decided to take their financial concerns to the Lord with 40 days of fasting and prayer. Church members in Dillingham and Aleknagik were joined by other Alaskan church members and students from the Juneau Adventist School to lift Dillingham up in prayer. Participants each chose several days during the 40 days and fasted for a 24-hour period. There were several days when more than one person was fasting and praying.

During the 40 days, the church also participated in viewing O 4 Revival, a seminar presented by Doug Batchelor. During the last week of the 40-day period, Jeff Downs, a church member and pilot, presented a week of prayer for the church school students. On the 40th day, the entire church fasted. As the sun set on that Friday evening, church members gathered for communion and an agape supper. On Sabbath morning, Gary Preston of Colville, Wash., began another revival seminar entitled "Give Glory to Him."

Due to the generosity of the Tok Company, a sister Alaska Conference church, extra funds from the North Pacific Union, and the shared earnings from the Alaska Conference education endowment fund, the school's operation will remain in the black for a few more months. We thank the Lord and His instruments for the financial blessings they provided.

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Featured in: April 2005