Image Credit: Anthony White

Friendship Evangelism in Nampa

The Nampa Church is serious about reaching others for Christ through sharing and caring. Following are some of the practical ways members have reached out to our community.

  • Various members open their homes each week to provide a Sabbath meal for guests.
  • The Community Services ministry served over 1,200 grateful families with food and clothing. The church also co-sponsors a weekly hot lunch program.
  • The choir presented their annual spring and Christmas concerts, which drew large audiences from the community and featured guest musicians from the local Nazarene and Assembly of God fellowships.
  • Taking advantage of the interest in the movie, "The Passion of the Christ," the church distributed Passion of the Messiah, a booklet based on the crucifixion chapters in The Desire of Ages, to neighbors living near the church.
  • In August, the church held its 4th annual "Praise in the Park" church service in a grassy area adjacent to the church. The community was invited and many came to worship and share in a potluck lunch afterwards.
  • The Nampa Church hosted an inter-faith Thanksgiving worship service. The service was well attended by members of several denominations.
  • More than 30 members sang Christmas carols in the apartment complexes adjacent to the church. Residents came out of their apartments to enjoy the music and received the SIGNS special issue "Unto Us a Child Is Born" as they listened.

God has blessed our efforts to become a more visible and accessible source of healing and comfort in our community.

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Featured in: March 2005
