Send Stories for GleanerNOW!

Have you noticed? Timely stories and photos are now being posted promptly on the Web site. Keep up with what’s happening in the Adventist Church both in the Northwest and around the world. That means that if you submit stories and photos of something special happening at your school or church, with a photo, your members and everyone else will be able to see it within days of the event instead of weeks.

If you hear rumors of things happening somewhere else in the North American Division, check this Web site. You’ll likely find a link to an official source at the North American Division, General Conference, or the union conference office where the event occurred, and can help keep the information that's being circulated accurate.

Just now the site is full of information about the hurricane relief efforts being carried on all over the Northwest. Have you sent a story about what your organization is doing to help?

Include complete contact information at the end of your story in this order: name of contact person, the organization you represent, your daytime telephone number (including area code), your e-mail address and your street address.

Submit your story and photos online at; click on Contributor’s Information in the left panel and follow the directions. Indicate that the story is for GleanerNOW! Or e-mail your story with the photo attached (not embedded in a Word document or e-mail message) to with GleanerNOW! in the subject line. The file size of photos should be at least 1 mb.

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Featured in: December 2005
