Fourteen-Year-Old Shares Jesus In Her Neighborhood

It isn’t often that a 14-year-old chooses to spend her free time sharing Jesus with others, but Amanda Ludwig of Boise, Idaho, isn’t an ordinary teenager.

When Amanda and her family started attending the Oasis Church more than a year ago, she noticed the extra Primary Treasure, Our Little Friend, and Guide magazines lying around each week. She asked if she could have them. Then, her backpack stuffed full, she anonymously began leaving the extra magazines on doorsteps in her neighborhood each week. As neighbors found out she was the one leaving them, they asked her to bring more.

Since then, Amanda has handed out hundreds of magazines in her area. She says it is fun leaving them. Her brother, Daniel, and sister, Amber, sometimes help her while their mom stays at home and prays for them. Recently, Amanda says she started putting cards in the magazines, inviting people to the Oasis Church. Amanda has also been distributing the Little Treasures pocket-magazines for children in her neighborhood. Amanda says they are her favorite because they are so easy to carry and pass out.

Amanda’s mother, Diane, a real-estate agent, says, “Amanda loves serving, and she does it with a passion. She is always looking for new ways to share Jesus.” One of Amanda’s newest projects is saving money to buy Bibles and coloring books for kids in her neighborhood.

Diane says she has always stressed the importance of service to her four children. “I wanted my kids to have a heart for mission. I also wanted them to know that even kids can do something for Jesus.”

In her spare time, Amanda also baby-sits and tutors kids in her neighborhood for free. Recently, she helped a 10-year-old learn to read. “Amanda is a shining light in her neighborhood," Diane says. "The kids notice she is different.”

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Featured in: December 2005
