Rockwood Adventists Reach Out to Former Members

The Rockwood Adventist Church will launch an outreach to missing members via a television advertising campaign on Portland's Channel 6 and a variety of seminars, concerts, and classes.

The TV ad campaign features two 30-second spots that will run during January and February with the newscasts, morning and noon, and with Dr. Phil in the afternoon. One of the spots will invite people to attend a “Bible Study Class for Dummies!” The other will be directed at those who are seeking answers to life’s issues and pain.

The first quarter features will include a healing-from-depression seminar, a seminar explaining the role of nutrition and exercise in cancer prevention, and a Valentine weekend concert with recording artist Rudy Micelli.

“We want to invite inactive or former members who read the GLEANER to attend these free events,” says W. Clarence Schilt, Rockwood pastor.

The "Healing from Depression and Anxiety!" seminar will feature author-psychologist Douglas Bloch on Tues., Jan. 11, at 7 p.m. Bloch is author of Healing from Depression: 12 Weeks to a Better Mood.

On Tues., Jan. 18, Don Hall, lifestyle specialist, will present a seminar called “Preventing Cancer Through Nutrition and Exercise.” The seminar will demonstrate how lifestyle choices can significantly reduce cancer risk by up to 50 percent.

On Saturday, Feb. 12, recording artist Rudy Micelli will present a concert of Christian music and love songs. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. and kick off an eight-week relationship enhancement class. This class will be held on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. beginning Feb. 15.

“Inactive and former Adventists are especially encouraged to attend any of these events,” says Schilt. “We encourage regular members to attend only if they bring someone who is not currently active in church,” he says.

Rockwood is one of four pilot churches in North America reaching out to missing members in a program initiated by the Voice of Prophecy.

The Rockwood Church is located at 1910 SE 182nd Street just north of SE Division in Portland.

For further information, call (503) 661-4100.

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Featured in: January 2005
