Oregon Women Experience God's Love

"I came to this retreat feeling like I was in a dark hole. Now I have been lifted out. This is exactly what I needed!” exclaimed one lady after the 2003 Oregon Conference Christian Women's Retreat, held at Sunriver, Ore.

The Oregon Conference women’s ministries department also had a big hole to fill when they learned five days before the Oct. 31–Nov. 2 retreat that guest speaker Mary Maxson cancelled due to a death in the family.

Corleen Johnson, Oregon Conference women's ministries director, Ginny Allen, a member of the women's ministries board, and Diane Pestes, women's ministries department executive assistant, spoke instead, sharing their triumphs in the face of tragedies and challenges. "We laughed, we cried, we sang, we praised God and through it all, the message rang loud and clear that God is in control and by His grace we will run the race of life triumphantly,” related Donna Griffith, one of the 395 attendees.

The retreat included tremendous seminars, an anointing service, and powerful testimonies. One woman shared, “I felt the power of God come through others' hands as they prayed with me—real lightning-like power.”

Johnson began Friday’s meeting using the retreat theme, "God is Crazy in Love with You." She explained, “There is nothing you can do to make God stop loving you."

“When you feel like you have been drenched on and blasted out, Jesus says, ‘You are precious to me and honored, and I love you,’” stated Ginny Allen.

“God has a purpose for my life and your life. And mine is not to attain some grand title. No, it is to share what Jesus means!” exclaimed Diane Pestes.

The women were responsive to the messages of God’s love. Ida McCray said, “I really saw and feel how ‘Crazy in Love’ God is with me. It has given me new courage to witness to others.”

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Featured in: January 2004
