The Camporee is now in full swing with all groups finally in place and ready for action. The first big evening program kicked off Tuesday evening. Check the GleanerNow Gallery page each day for an updated selection of photos.
Don't forget that Hope Channel will be live streaming the main evening programs and a portion of the weekend programming as well. It appears that all streamed programs will also be available there online to view, if you miss any of the live broadcasts.
More Photos
Follow Along in Social Media
Additional photos and stories will be available throughout the week at a variety of online sources:
- Official Camporee hashtag: #2019Chosen
- NW hashtags #NWAdventists, #2019ChosenNW and #NWPathfinders
- ORC hashtags #ORChosen19 and #oregonpathfinders
- UCC hashtag #uccpathfinders
- WAC hashtag #WAChosen2019
- Instagram: @GleanerNow
- Twitter: @GleanerNow
- Facebook: @GleanerNow

The crowd gathers for Tuesday evening's kick off program on the main stage.
Credit: North American Division

It's a long ways to the stage from the back of the crowd.
Credit: North American Division

Music and fireworks kick off the official first program on the main stage Tuesday evening.
Credit: Anthony White

Each evening program features an ongoing segment of the story of David. Here, actors portray the initial call of the prophet Samuel to young David to become king.
Credit: Anthony White

Young David
Credit: Anthony White

The prophet Samuel confronts King Saul disobedience: "Behold to obey is better than sacrifice."
Credit: North American Division

Young David with his sheep.
Credit: North American Division

Each evening the main stage program features another segment in the story of David.

Damien Chandler, pastor of the Capitol City Church in Sacramento, Calif., presents key thoughts each evening.
Credit: North American Division

Chad Angasan, Alaska Conference pastor, leads the Tuesday evening praise team from the Camporee's main stage.
Credit: North American Division

Flags represent Pathfinders from all corners of the globe.
Credit: North American Division

North American Division officers, Alex Bryant, Dan Jackson and Randy Robinson, greet the Tuesday evening crowd.
Credit: North American Division

A colorful display from the Maharlika Pathfinders of Ontario, Canada, shines on the main stage.
Credit: North American Division

Hands raise throughout the crowd in response.
Credit: North American Division

A salute from Alaska and the Samoan club from Anchorage.
Credit: Anthony White

Pathfinders from all over have come in vehicles of all shapes and sizes.
Credit: North American Division

Pathfinders work on their drawing honor.
Credit: SonjaHultsPhotography

At least it was "today" on Tuesday.
Credit: North American Division

Pathfinders trade pins and make new friends.
Credit: James Bokovoy

Recognize these pins?
Credit: SonjaHultsPhotography

A group of NPUC region Pathfinders help lower and fold the flag.
Credit: Anthony White

A group of NPUC region Pathfinders help lower and fold the flag.
Credit: Anthony White

A group of NPUC region Pathfinders help lower and fold the flag.
Credit: Anthony White