Livingstone Adventist Academy Breaks Ground

From left: Jerry Magee, school board chair; Gil Plubell, the Oregon Conference education superintendent’s special assistant; Don Livesay, Oregon Conference president; Barbara Livesay, Livingstone Adventist Academy (LAA) principal; Rod Lucas, school board vice chair, Kerry Lucas, home and school leader, Virgil Lucas, building committee member, and Dan Neiderman, a staunch supporter of the school, broke ground on a new high school complex March 20, 2003.

“We have been looking forward to this day for years,” said Barbara Livesay, “and through God’s guiding hand and our constituent churches’ dedication and generosity, we will soon be able to provide the community with a complete Christian education here in Salem, Ore.”

The expansion represents the growth that Livingstone has experienced for the last few years, which has included adding a daily hot lunch program and a full-scale music department.

Since 1898, LAA has offered a Christ-centered education for students in kindergarten through grade 10. The school will add 11th grade starting in the fall of 2003, followed by 12th grade in 2004.

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Featured in: June 2003
