Image Credit: Katie Henderson

Tacoma Central Welcomes New Members to Church Family

The family of God is a little bigger after 10 people were baptized just before Thanksgiving at Tacoma Central Seventh-day Adventist Church in Washington. Their incredible stories were years in the making, and God knew the right timing for the right connections.

Sampson Fernandez Jr. first thought about baptism when his wife was baptized two years ago. Having just returned from deployment to Japan with the U.S. Army, Sampson decided to attend the Inheritance Restored seminar with Rico Hill at Tacoma Central Church. When a call for baptism was offered, Sampson knew it was finally his time to join God's family.

Similarly, James Worobe had also felt God's calling. "I have always felt like I've been a part of the church since 1984," says Worobe. "I came to a point in my life that I truly felt like God was calling me to be baptized. Something clicked, and I felt like there was more I needed to do; to commit myself to Him and be reborn once more."

Juanita Martin first came to Tacoma Central for Fun Day Monday, a senior program for fun, nearly two years ago. Since then, Martin has been attending health seminars.

"When I came in one day, I was planning to meet one of my friends who was running late to the meeting, so I sat in the back waiting," says Martin. "A church member came up to me and asked me why I was sat all the way in the back. I explained that I was waiting, but she smiled brightly and invited me to sit in the front with her."

"If it wasn't for such an accepting and friendly congregation like this," says Scott Tyman, Tacoma Central Church pastor, "Juanita probably wouldn't be here."

Steve Boothe and his family had been putting off God's call for several years before the Revelation Speaks Peace seminar came so close to home that they could no longer say no. During the evangelism series in Puyallup with Shawn Boonstra, the Boothes developed strong relationships with those who were at the series and continued to attend and be active with the church the last two years.

"I believe my family has been ready for this day for a while," says Steve Boothe. "We had been waiting for the right time, but what better time is there than now?"

During the day of baptism, the family of seven crowded into the baptismal pool, and as each one became baptized, the smiles grew on both the faces of the Boothe family and the congregation.

When Sierra Boothe, one of four daughters in the Boothe family, was asked how she felt that day, she replied, “People use the saying, ‘I’ve been better,’ but today is probably the best I’ll ever be."

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Featured in: January/February 2019
