Milo Welcomes New Staff

Milo Adventist Academy in Days Creek, Ore., is happy to welcome eight new staff members to the Milo family for the 2018–2019 school year.

Mark and Cheryl Alder are engineers from Palmer, Alaska. Mark is excited to be returning to his alma mater to begin a new career as a physics, chemistry and math teacher. Cheryl will be continuing to home school their three younger children, while their two older children attend Milo and Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tenn.   

Dean of men Richard Dickerson and his wife, Julie, moved to Milo from central California. They have a 2-year-old son, Ricky. A daughter is due in November, and they have a dog named Spot. Dickerson has a passion for helping boys at Milo become mature young men fully devoted to God.

Ramiro and Tara Quero most recently served at Laurelwood Academy in Jasper, Ore. Ramiro is teaching biology, anatomy and math, while Tara is managing Advanced Assembly, one of Milo’s industries.

Four taskforce volunteers are serving at Milo for the 2018–2019 school year. Shannon Hill, assistant girls’ dean, is taking a year off from her studies at Southern Adventist University, where she is majoring in public relations. Alvin Laberinto, assistant boys’ dean, recently graduated from Pacific Union College in Angwin, Calif., with a Bachelor of Science in music. His bride-to-be, Brysanna, will join him at Milo after their September wedding.

Originally from Brazil, Roberta DeOliveira is our agriculture assistant. Finally, our maintenance assistant for this school year is Robby Bridges, who calls Georgia home.

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Featured in: November 2018
