Alaska Camp Meeting Draws Hundreds

Approximately 800 people representing all but six of the 35 Adventist churches or church companies of Alaska attended South Central Camp Meeting Aug. 5–9. Attendees were drawn by the joy of Christian fellowship and the privilege of listening to stirring sermons. The camp meeting theme was “All Things New."

“If you don’t take control of your life, there are plenty of others out there who will,” stated Leo Schreven, featured speaker, during his opening night presentation.

Schreven concentrated his 10-part "All Power" seminar into just five evenings. “There is no way you fall asleep during one of his talks,” remarked one of the members.

Dorothy Comm, La Sierra University English professor, and Hyveth Williams, Campus Hill Church (Loma Linda, Calif.) senior pastor, presented "A Fresh Look at Galations" each morning. Leon Cornforth and Jack Seeley, both of Idaho, discussed ways to reach our Mormon friends.

“Teacher, pastor, writer and dreamer” describes Karl Haffner, College Church (College Place, Wash.) pastor and speaker for the collegiate meetings on Friday night and Sabbath. More than 90 people attended this new department at camp meeting.

Jere Patzer, North Pacific Union Conference president, presented Sabbath morning's challenge to make churches safe places for new and returning members.

Terrance Taylor, teen guest speaker and Walla Walla College student, challenged the teens to make wise choices. The teen department enjoyed fun recreational and outreach activities each afternoon including literature and park evangelism and yard work for the Palmer Pioneer Home. “These kids did so much in such a short time,” exclaimed Mary Ann Harmon, retirement center administrator. “There is no way our staff was ever going to accomplish all that needed to be done.”

The primary department experienced what it is like to be cared for in an emergency. The directors arranged for a local EMT crew to show up with their ambulance and demonstrate for the kids the emergency response and care procedures that a kid may experience in a biking accident.

After 25 years of holding camp meeting in early August, the executive committee has voted to move the camp meeting date to mid-June in order to avoid conflicts with other meetings and to enjoy generally better weather. While June is typically warm and dry, August is often rainy, windy and cool. Ironically, this year there was no rain, and the days were very warm and sunny.

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Featured in: October 2003
