Winning Drill Team

The Rogue Valley Pathfinders’ Drill Team took first place in the Basic Drill Team Category at last year’s Pathfinder Fair, but this year competed in both Basic and Fancy categories—their first attempt in the more demanding category—and they made history.

For what is believed to be the first time in Pathfinder Fair history, two teams tied for first place— the Rogue Valley and Springfield teams.

The Rogue Valley drill team, led by Drillmaster Ginnie Kim, has nine members, ranging in age from 10 to 15 years: Ashley Summer-Coggins (9th grade), Ryan Cool (7th grade), Jonathan Currier (9th grade), Stephanie Poteet (7th grade), Ryan Randahl (6th grade), Matthew Robertson (10th grade), Tyler Robertson (7th grade), Sarah Steahly (7th grade), and Jessica Wold (6th grade).

To prepare for the Fair, they practiced diligently every week for an hour before regular Pathfinder meetings. By marching, they learned discipline and the ability to focus, follow directions, and the importance of teamwork in the Body of Christ. •

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Featured in: October 2002