Garden Valley Organizes

“To God be the Glory – Great Things He Hath Done!” The words of the hymn rang through the recently completed sanctuary, as more than 70 members and guests participated in the formal organization of the Garden Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, north of Boise, Idaho.

“Today is a Sabbath that will live forever in our minds—an incredible testimony of what God can do with ordinary laymen who fully consecrate their lives to Him, seek Him, turn from sin, earnestly pray, and give God the Glory,” noted Dene Sue Ross, Sabbath school superintendent.

“The establishment of a Seventh-day Adventist Church in this dark Idaho county is the direct result of God’s providence and a long-awaited answer to the prayers of many who dreamed of sharing the ‘matchless charms of Christ’ with their friends and neighbors in Garden Valley.”

So it was that on Sabbath, July 27, after an inspiring sermon by Stephen McPherson, Idaho Conference president, Don Klinger, Conference executive secretary, officiated in the organization of 53 charter members and delivered the charge to the new church. Pastor Dennis Parks offered a prayer of dedication.

When asked later to share the Garden Valley Church’s mission statement, Roger Essink, head elder, said, “We are here to establish a place of worship–a Sabbath memorial in this community; to preach the good news of Jesus Christ, what He has done in our lives, and His soon return; and to live as individuals who are fully committed to Christ and ready to serve Him according to His will.”

In their continuing outreach effort to the community, members recently opened a series of DVD-illustrated evangelistic meetings, “Hope for the Homeland,” and are confidently looking to the future because of God’s leading in the past.

They admit that they once had doubts about their ability to carry out the mission of reaching their community, as laity “with no special training and limited funds.”

Now, however, says Ross, “Our hearts are thrilled at how faithfully the Lord has kept His word and abundantly blessed our efforts.” •

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Featured in: October 2002
