Alaska Youth Learn to Lead Like Jesus

Arnold Bennett was one of the most remarkable literary figures of his time. He is credited with coining this statement: “The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.”

The Alaska Conference has turned in a new direction for its youth with leadership as the focus of this year’s convocation. “Lead Like Jesus” was the theme for the April Youth Conference held at Anchorage Junior Academy. Randy Hill, Oregon Conference associate youth director for Pathfinders, was the keynote speaker.

Hill inspired the crowd with practical, inspirational stories of how God uses individuals to be a positive influence to their peers. He and his wife, Gayle, have been involved in youth ministry for several years before he was involved in other pastoral roles. He is a “lifelong youth enthusiast." A record amount of young people came out for the whole weekend.

The Samoan Church blessed the event with their choir and by organizing an interactive event in the afternoon. It has been a challenge the last few years keeping the group for the whole day, but everyone stayed for the sundown vespers this year.

Fun, food and fellowship, along with stories of Hill’s journey in leadership, combined to give an excellent opportunity for the youth of this conference to mingle together from all the churches in Alaska.

It is the goal of the conference to keep its youth in the church and have them become active in preparing people for the soon coming of Jesus.

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Featured in: August 2017
