Jillany Wellman, Jillany Wellman Big Lake Youth Camp grant writer By Jillany Wellman, Jillany Wellman Big Lake Accepts Donation From Inmates at Oregon State Penitentiary Angelina Cameron-Wood, then Abba’s Child coordinator, in the spring of 2006, set about the task of informing the public of Big Lake’s newest camp: Abba’s Child. Abba’s Child is a camp that ministers to children who have lost a loved one. To promot... Read more
Big Lake Accepts Donation From Inmates at Oregon State Penitentiary Angelina Cameron-Wood, then Abba’s Child coordinator, in the spring of 2006, set about the task of informing the public of Big Lake’s newest camp: Abba’s Child. Abba’s Child is a camp that ministers to children who have lost a loved one. To promot... Read more