Adventist Education Thrives in Eagle

Adventist Christian education is alive and well in Eagle. The Eagle Adventist Christian School and Preschool have a combined enrollment of 41, with 21 in preschool and kindergarten. The school has strong support from the church. Each Sabbath, a student is featured during the announcement period, and the congregation is encouraged to remember that student and his or her family in prayer during the week. Volunteers come at least once a week to take the elementary students outside, weather permitting, for fresh air and exercise by walking or running laps around the field.

“We are happy to be one of a few preschools in the area accredited with the National Association for the Education of Young Children. We have also achieved the highest level with IdahoSTARS Steps to Quality by reaching Level 6,” says Bob Atteberry, Eagle Church pastor. God is incorporated into the developmentally appropriate daily curriculum.

Having a successful Adventist Christian school takes a lot of work, a lot of prayer and commitment from the church members.

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Featured in: November 2015


Eve Rusk

Idaho Conference communication director