Be Kind to Me, I Gave Blood Today Two Anchorage Adventist churches hosted blood drives on Sabbath mornings in November and January. Forty units were collected by the Blood Bank of Alaska.Some Hillside–O’Malley Church members were surprised to see the Mobile Blood Bank bus in the c... Read more
Benefit Dinner For Dee Dee Jonrowe Sonia Brock, a member of the Palmer Church, hosted a spaghetti dinner in the fellowship room of the church for her friend, Dee Dee Jonrowe, the Iditarod dog sled racer. Jonrowe suffers from breast cancer and is not able to compete at this time.Jon... Read more
Dropping In Walla Walla General Hospital’s new MRI was “dropped” through the hospital’s roof and placed in its new home. Thanks to the new equipment, the facility now offers MRI services 24 hours a day. Read more
Walla Walla General Hospital Helps Patients Get to Sleep Walla Walla General Hospital recently opened a Sleep Lab designed to assist physicians with diagnosing a broad variety of sleep disorders. The goal of the new program is to provide a quality service that will monitor and evaluate patients for slee... Read more
Positive Life Radio Fundraising Helps Relieve Hunger in Cambodia Positive Life Radio recently teamed up with Musicianaries International, Inc. (MII) to help raise money that will be used to purchase rice for needy people in the country of Cambodia.Three concerts featuring Christian recording artist Bobby Michae... Read more
Monroe Families Sharing at Christmastime In a dedication ceremony recently, children of the Monroe Church brought treat-filled shoe boxes to the front of the church for Operation Christmas Child, while Alexandra Harvey, 11, sang, “Jesus Loves the Little Children.” Dedication prayers were... Read more
Auburn Custodian Transcends Title While Sue Pike, known to many students as “Mom,” recuperated recently after major surgery, Auburn Adventist Academy students voiced how important she has become to them personally.Though Pike says she’s “just a custodian,” her importance to the ac... Read more
West Seattle Laymen Lead Series Ray Foster, an elder of the West Seattle Church kicked off a series of meetings last fall, with “Jesus as God—The Divinity of Christ.” For the next four Sabbaths, volunteers led three one-hour discussions each Sabbath at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. and 1:... Read more
Cedarbrook Children Learn Self-sufficiency Lessons in self-sufficiency are being taught at Cedarbrook Adventist Christian School in Port Hadlock, Wash. Children there are initially learning how to raise and store their own food. Organic farming, with no chemical fertilizers or poisons of a... Read more