Showing Love to the Community At lot has changed since a group of 50 members of the Bonanza Company met on Jan. 5, 1980, to hold their first service in the Bonanza City Library in southern Oregon. What hasn't changed is the energy these believers bring to serving their Lord an... Read more
Gold Beach Food Bank Forges Deep Community Connections “It all started way back in the ’80s when my grandson would not go to sleep," says Lila Thorp. "I drove him around town and up in the mountains and up the river on the back roads where we saw people who were houseless, cold, wet and hungry. My mot... Read more
Albany Prophecy Seminar Brings Decisions for Christ During Pandemic Although COVID-19 has impacted a great deal of life’s activities, Oregon's Albany Adventist Church actively planned to share Jesus Christ with the community. To enrich the lives of the church family, church leaders decide to host an in-person evan... Read more
Springfield Creates COVID-Safe Kid Connections COVID-19 meant online church at first and then no children’s Sabbath School classes, even though members could gather at church in limited ways. “How can we get our families and especially our children involved in church?” Lutz Binus, Springfield ... Read more
Sweet Home Ministries Thrive Despite Pandemic The Sweet Home Adventist Church has been alive and well during the pandemic. Despite all the social distancing guidelines, God is showing us how to do what we can, with what we have, where we are and how to still meet all the regulations. So what ... Read more
Global Virus Can't Stop MGAES Geography Bee Owen Fleck, a sixth grader at Meadow Glade Adventist Elementary School in Battle Ground, Washington, won the school’s geography bee competition on Jan. 15, 2021. With pandemic restrictions in place, students participated via Zoom videoconferencing... Read more
Albany Youth Commit Their Lives to Jesus Sabbath, Jan. 2, 2021, was a special day of joy and celebration for the Albany Church. Not only was the year 2020 behind it, four of their younger members had chosen to be baptized. Barry Taylor, Albany Church pastor, had been studying the Bible w... Read more
Students Head Back to Class By the end of January 2021, all 32 Oregon Conference schools will be meeting in person. “It’s not been easy,” says Gale Crosby, Oregon Conference vice president for education, “but God’s been leading us through the challenges every day.” Read more
Kids ‘JAM’ in Pleasant Valley Pleasant Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church in Happy Valley, Oregon, has started a new program to reach out to our youth and children in these difficult times of coping with ever-changing restrictions and rules for in-person meetings. Thus the Ki... Read more