Alaska Conference is happy to share that Rodney Mills has answered the call to serve as its next president.
This decision follows a comprehensive and prayerful process guided by the Holy Spirit. The selection of the new president was a collaborative effort between the conference’s executive committee and nominating committee. With prayerful discernment, thoughtful deliberation and valuable feedback from members shaping the candidate profile, the process reflected a shared commitment to God’s leading.
Mills has served as Upper Columbia Conference vice president of administration since 2019.
In addition to his experience in administration, Mills pastored for 35 years in Texas, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana in multi-staff and multi-church districts. He also spent a few years as Texas Conference ministerial director before being called to UCC.
He received his doctorate in evangelism and church growth from Andrews University Theological Seminary in Michigan. He has an interest in developing missionaries of all ages.
“I look forward to ministering together across Alaska and seeing what God is going to do as we join hands to share the love of Jesus from Barrow to Ketchikan, Tok to Gambell and all points in between,” Mills said.
Mills and his wife, Pamela, will transition to Alaska Conference over the next few months. They are looking forward to settling down in Anchorage and getting to know all the pastors, staff and teachers throughout the conference very soon. Mills will be making every effort to visit all the churches and schools during 2025.
John Freedman, NPUC president who oversaw the search process, shared the following words of invitation: “Please pray for God’s sweet anointing of the Holy Spirit on Rodney and Pamela as they transition to Anchorage and begin their ministry of uplifting Jesus Christ before the Alaska constituency and focus on bringing the Good News of the Three Angels’ Messages of Jesus Christ and His soon return to the Alaskan people.”

Pamela and Rodney Mills