Image Credit: Krissy Barber

Help Needed for Gladstone Camp Meeting 2025

Camp meeting matters. The Oregon Conference executive committee was reminded of this reality in April 2024 when they made the difficult decision to suspend camp meeting for the year because of financial constraints. Among the feedback from constituents was, “Why didn’t you tell us? We could all contribute to make camp meeting happen!”  

As 2024 concluded, conference administrators announced further restructuring and expense reductions would be needed to set conference finances on solid, sustainable footing. 

In addition to restructuring conference office operations, the executive committee voted to invite members to contribute to the cost of camp meeting to make sure this cherished mid-summer event continues. While the committee's goal is to include camp meeting in the conference budget going forward, this one-year stopgap fundraiser will provide for camp meeting while Oregon Conference gets back on its feet.

In 2023, Gladstone Camp Meeting cost nearly $600,000. By recalibrating the program and instituting as much cost savings as possible, organizers have been able to reduce the budget by 25%, making the projected cost of Gladstone Camp Meeting 2025 $450,000. The goal is to raise $450,000 by spring to make this event happen.

In our Adventist faith, there are few traditions like joining together at camp meeting for worship and fellowship. At Gladstone, the new pavilion is nearly finished and awaits the arrival of members and friends to renew the camp meeting tradition. 

Let us come together as a community to ensure the continuation of this beloved tradition. You're invited to participate in Gladstone Camp Meeting 2025 through giving, prayer and with your presence as we aim to renew our cherished tradition and meet at Gladstone for a time of spiritual renewal and communal joy. 

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Featured in: January/February 2025

