Wenatchee Spanish Church Saves Souls

God has demonstrated His love and kindness powerfully in Wenatchee Spanish Adventist Church in Upper Columbia Conference during the latter part of 2023 and the early months of 2024.

Each Sabbath, we have rejoiced in having 10–20 visitors attend our worship services. During the week of Oct. 1–7, 2023, approximately 50 people visited the church. 

During Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations, many identified with the church, formed friendships and have continued to visit. It's worth noting that some, in their testimonies, have expressed coming to us on their own seeking Bible studies.

During last year's fall evangelism period, we held Friends Day accompanied by a concert prior to the evangelism week. It was interesting to see how our guests expressed their need for God and how the congregation actively invited their friends, family, neighbors and coworkers.

2024 began with high expectations for the church, as a mission-focused spirit has been growing among church families. In January, we continued sharing the message through our radio program on one of the city's most popular stations and on social media through our virtual church coordinated by the UCC Hispanic ministries department. 

Our virtual church has many followers — or what we call "members of our borderless virtual church” — which operates every weekday at 7 a.m. on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

We began planning our eagerly awaited evangelism week — scheduled Feb. 24 through March 2 — with our committees, the evangelist and the entire church service team’s collaboration. 

A week before our event, we organized a family-focused weekend with Mike and Laura Rosario, a couple who were a great blessing to the church. The number of visitors prior to our evangelism week continued to rise. Daily attendance reached an unprecedented 215 people worshiping in our sanctuary.

We conducted our week of evangelistic meetings and the Holy Spirit moved powerfully! Thirty-three individuals were accepted as new church members: 24 through baptism and nine through profession of faith.

We continue to provide follow-up care and support to our new church family members through our discipleship class held on Sabbaths at 10 a.m. We continue to prayerfully plan to plant three new congregations in our area and surrounding communities with our new members and guests. 

We thank God for His blessings, the support of the entire church and supportive church leaders. We continue to serve and work joyfully for Christ.

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Featured in: May/June 2024

