Hispanic women eagerly anticipate the annual Idaho Conference Hispanic Women’s Retreat. This special event took place Oct. 20–22, 2023 and was coordinated by Alma Margil, Idaho Conference Hispanic women’s ministries coordinator.
More than 100 ladies — including 10 non-Adventist guests — gathered in Heyburn, Idaho, and were led by the Spirit to reconnect, reconcile and accept God as the conductor of their lives in love, strength, hope and forgiveness.
Patricia Vasquez, from Oregon Conference, presented and Victoria Balabarca, Washington Conference volunteer Hispanic family ministries coordinator, was the keynote speaker. Together, their presentations enriched the unforgettable weekend.
Some ladies traveled up to seven hours by car to get there, and the excitement of non-Adventist friends was especially palpable. Seminars on women's health and the role of hormones provided essential tools for understanding and managing the natural changes that occur in women’s lives.
The theme was centered on the "precious crown" the Lord will give us when He returns as depicted in Rev. 3:11: "Behold, I am coming quickly; hold fast to what you have, so that no one will take your crown." The keynote speaker, inspired by the Holy Spirit, invited each woman to embrace this reality with determination, surrender and love.
The retreat culminated in a renewed commitment to faith and a beautiful sense of liberation and peace as the women profoundly experienced God, both personally and collectively as a group. The Lord manifested Himself at the Hispanic Women's Retreat.

Alma Margil’s team worked to provide a wonderful Idaho Conference Hispanic Women's Retreat.
Credit: Provided by Alma Margil