Image Credit: Eve Rusk

Idaho Conference Announces Camp Meeting 2023

This year, Idaho Conference Camp Meeting will take place on June 13–17, 2023 at Gem State Adventist Academy with the theme "Come, Holy Spirit." Ron Clouzet will bring messages each evening for the English camp meeting about the Holy Spirit.

For the weekday meetings, Grant Agadjanian will speak about praying for our children, Jack Phillips from It Is Written will speak about soul winning and Fred Hardinge will speak about health.

Children’s meetings for Beginners through Youth will be held throughout the day and evening. Kimberley Mitchell, GSAA art teacher, will offer adult art classes during the week (limited capacity). Mini concerts, a staple of Idaho camp meetings, will be provided by local talent Tuesday through Friday evening before the English meeting.

On Sabbath afternoon, The King’s Heralds will share their worship through music in a concert.

Our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters will meet each evening and Sabbath in GSAA Church. Ronald Costa will speak for the adult meetings and Sergio Vasquez will speak for the youth meetings.

We’re looking forward to having a great time of refreshing, recharging and equipping this June! Both the English and Spanish evening meetings and Sabbath meetings will be livestreamed. Keep an eye out on and for further information. Subscribe to our YouTube channel by searching for Idaho Conference Communication.

Dormitory rooms and RV spaces on campus are available, contact Leanne Strickland at 208-375-7524 to reserve.

We hope you can join us, either in person or via livestream, to learn more about how we can invite the Holy Spirit into our lives and share the gospel with those around us.

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Featured in: March/April 2023


Eve Rusk

Idaho Conference communication director