Golden Heart Students Pitch In

Alaskans welcome the longer days and warmer weather of spring. Throughout winter, the snow enhances the beauty of the world God has gifted us, but the melting of the snow reveals signs that some do not take care of the earth through the debris that begins appearing. Every spring, the students at Golden Heart Christian School gather trash found on school property and along the road close to the school. This year, they decided to do something different by partnering with the city.

In Fairbanks, the city has an annual cleanup effort facilitated by the Chamber of Commerce, to manage the amount of litter beside the roads. GHCS decided to join the citywide effort on Friday, May 13, 2022, to pick up trash at the same time. Jane Bador, GHCS assistant teacher, signed the school up online and asked that the road close to the school be assigned to the student group. Bador then picked up designated yellow trash bags at the Central Recycling Facility to be used for the collected trash.

The students enjoyed helping their community, and the teaching staff used this opportunity to align the community project with the science unit that grades five through eight had been studying. The students and Cindy Dasher, head teacher, discussed the negative effect littering has on the wildlife and ecosystems. The experience also taught the students about road safety while joining in to make their community more enjoyable for those that live and work in the area. It is the responsibility of all to take care of the world God has so lovingly provided for us. The students of GHCS showed through their efforts that they appreciate His gift.

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Featured in: July/August 2022

