Executive Committee Votes Personnel Changes for Oregon Conference Office

On Oct. 21, 2021, the Oregon Conference Executive Committee took the following personnel-related actions:

Communication Department

Krissy Barber was invited to serve as associate director for communication following Gary McLain's departure in August to work with his family business. McLain's 15 years of leadership and service as communication director will be missed.

For nearly 15 years, Barber has worked in the department as the graphic design intern, then administrative assistant. Now, as associate director, Barber works closely with Jonathan Russell, Assistant to the president for multimedia communication, to lead the communication department in supporting other conference departments and churches. Barber's training in graphic design and experience in church communication make her an ideal fit to continue the mission of the communication team. In accepting the role, Barber said, “I’m excited to take on this new role as part of the communication team. As always, my goal is for our team to ever better serve our members, churches and ministries throughout the region."

Risk Management Department 

In 2021, Simona Cardwell announced her resignation as risk management director. She will move to eastern Oregon with her husband, Dale Cardwell, pastor, where they accepted a call to pastor two churches. 

Cardwell has been highly appreciated by conference staff and pastors for the grace with which she has dealt with complex risk and insurance issues. She ended her time with Oregon Conference on the last day of 2021.

Also, at the executive committee meeting, LuDell Parrett was voted in as risk management department director. To facilitate a smooth transition, Parrett began working before Cardwell's departure. Parrett is a long-time leader at the East Salem Church and a member of the Oregon Conference Executive Committee. 

“I am confident The Spirit is calling me to this risk management ministry,” Parrett said. “I'm excited to work with the conference team where who Jesus is, and what He offers each of us, is the driving force that compels us to share Him to our world. I'm very excited to partner with many believers to help ensure the safety and success of all our church’s, school's and the conference's endeavors.”

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Featured in: January/February 2022
