Sharing God's Love With Coats

How will people learn about the love of Jesus? Only as they see His love demonstrated by those who love Him. This is what People to People Ministries is all about: sharing God’s love.

For more than 40 years, People to People Ministries has served children and adults in a variety of ways — from education, health and religious seminars to helping children and families with food insecurities.

In December 2019, Jeffrey Pierce of Stone Tower Church, Deborah Turner of Your Bible Speaks Church and a member from the Sharon Church agreed to be resource ambassadors for PPM. They all expressed an interest in making a positive difference for God in the lives of children and families in the Portland, Oregon, metro area. 

Their focus was to distribute winter coats to children in need. Coats were distributed to Portland Community College’s Albina Head Start, Community Transition School, Self-Enhancement, Shepherd’s Door (a women’s shelter) and immigrant children attending the Sharon Church.

Ninety coats were given directly to children and/or to organizations serving children in Portland. Seventy-two coats were also delivered to children in Franklin County, North Carolina, by a representative in that area. They were given to children in county schools, Boys and Girls Club and homeless children in transition.

In addition to providing coats to children, these outreach workers were able to help others in need. For example, resources were shared with a young woman with three children whose house had burned down and a man whose wife had left him with four small children. They helped a mother struggling to make ends meet who had a teenage daughter going to school in the cold without a coat and gave assistance to a single mother with two young daughters. They aided a young man new to Portland with no family or friends in the area. He has since been attending church regularly since receiving assistance.

Praise the Lord for the willingness of these ambassadors and the resources graciously donated to People to People Ministries.

For more stories about God’s working through PPM, visit their website at

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