Fulfilling the Mission

Fulfilling the Mission

God’s mission continues moving forward in the Washington Conference Hispanic churches. I will be sharing what God is doing in the South District at the Olympia and Chehalis Hispanic churches.

A grand spiritual awakening is taking place with our brothers and sisters who are taking the gospel commission seriously (Matt. 24:14) and with a sense of urgency are passing forward the torch to others, so they too can be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). According to the words of Christ to His disciples, His earthly church was given specific objectives: the formation of new disciples and the preaching of the gospel (Matt. 28:18–20). He has chosen us, just as He did His first disciples, not only to accompany Him, but also to fulfill His commission to preach the gospel (Mark 3:13–14).

Ellen G. White echoes this concept as she shares that the mission of the church is the evangelization and salvation of souls:

  • “The church of Christ is God’s appointed agency for the salvation of men. Its mission is to carry the gospel to the world” (Steps to Christ, p. 88).
  • “The church of Christ on earth was organized for missionary purposes, and the Lord desires to see the entire church devising ways and means whereby high and low, rich and poor, may hear the message of truth” (Christian Service, p. 72).

This having been said, the methods we use to advance God’s work can be different or varied, depending on the location and the circumstances. The message may be the same, though the form or method may change; however, we are all called to take an active part in the proclamation of our salvific method.

The Olympia and Chehalis Hispanic churches have understood this and the Lord is reviving His members through the various ministries and fervent preaching.

Many are returning to their first love and are committing to the mission of the church. Both churches are participating in the formation of discipling, evangelistic small groups as well as receiving training and responding to the call to give Bible studies to their community interests.

We have just started our first Adventurer and Pathfinder clubs after dreaming of being able to minister to our children and youth. We also held our first Vacation Bible School with the support and participation of our members; additionally, our women’s ministry has been revived and these members continue growing through the study of the Word, seminars and prayer partners. We are blessed to receive support for the Christian education of our children through our local churches and schools (Olympia Christian School and Lewis County Adventist School).

We are praising God for the growing fervor among our adult members, youth and children who are glad and ready to serve their local churches and communities and share the good news of salvation to everyone in their circle of influence.

Featured in: May/June 2019

