'Rejoice Boise!' Concert Shares Joy of Jesus

Rejoice Boise! was a concert of praise, presented by Max Mace, the Heritage Singers and Cloverdale (Boise) Church member Jere Webb. The concert was held in September at the Morrison Center, a premier concert venue on the campus of Boise State University. It began with an invitation-only meet-and-greet. Those who attended enjoyed meeting the Heritage Singers, Webb and Jim Gilley, the evening's master of ceremonies. The evening bgan with a short sermon in which Gilley powerfully portrayed God, though He inhabits eternity, not as the “I Was” or the “I Will” but as the “I Am.”

“The evening was not a performance, it was an experience," says Tom Robinson, a Cloverdale Church member. "How often, standing before a congregation, have I longed to individually wrap each congregant personally in the safety and joy of the Savior’s healing love? The Rejoice program achieved that.”

During a break in singing, Webb shared his miraculous story of continued healing from a dire late-stage cancer diagnosis. His experience has given him a reignited passion for Jesus and for those who have drifted or moved away from their relationship with the Savior.

The Heritage Singers and their founder, Max Mace, have been around a long time. Dale Galusha, Pacific Press Publishing Association president, presented Mace with a plaque of appreciation. The Heritage Singers have long been artists of Chapel Music, an entity of Pacific Press.

Galusha shared the words, which included song titles the Heritage Singers have done over the years: “Max, you and Heritage Singers have taken us on a spiritual journey. Forty-seven years ago, you invited us to ‘Come Along … to a Land Called Paradise.’ Through that journey, you’ve always pointed the way to ‘The Lighthouse.’ You urged us to ‘Never Give Up.’ When the way has been rough, you’ve reminded us that ‘Someone Is Praying for Us …’ and that ‘Tears Are a Language God Understands.’ ‘Through It All’ you pointed us to a ‘Hill Called Mount Calvary.’ You invited us to be part of the ‘Family of God’ and assured us that truly ‘There’s Plenty of Room in the Family.’ You have kept us focused on the fact that the ‘King Is Coming.’ 'What a Day That Will Be.'”

After the Rejoice Boise! concert in September, I asked Mace to answer a few questions.

Eve Rusk (ER): Tell me what you have enjoyed the most over your many years of ministry.

Max Mace (MM): The joy of seeing lives changed and giving young people a platform to use their musical talent for the Lord.

ER: Could you describe a concert moment that sticks out in your mind that confirmed to you this was God’s ministry?

MM: At the end of our concert we had an altar call. A man stood, then walked down the aisle, stopped at a row and put his arm around a man sitting down. They both started crying, stood and came down to the front of the church for prayer. We found out later that they had a long-standing feud that had split the church. God used Heritage Singers to minister through music to soften and heal these men’s hearts.

ER: What was the purpose of joining with Jere Webb to bring this concert to Boise and to the Morrison Center? 

MM: Jere and I have been praying and dreaming for several years about doing something like this together again. When we were both younger, back in the 1970s, we worked together in a number of seminars in Glendale, Walla Walla, Portland and Dallas/Fort Worth. Rejoice 2018 Boise! was especially designed to reach inactive and former church members. Our goal was to have a community outreach and invite people to renew their relationship with Jesus Christ. It was extremely gratifying to look out and see the main floor of the Morrison Center so packed full of people that they even overflowed into the orchestra pit.

ER: I understand you want to continue doing concerts like this one around the country. Why?

MM: We believe now more than ever before we need to reach out and reconnect with the ones that are discouraged and have lost their relationship with Jesus. One of our old songs that many will remember is "The King Is Coming!" I believe that more today than ever before. As long as God gives me the energy to get on the plane and fly again, I want to make every day of life count for God, and Jere feels the same way.

ER: Last question — are you planning to direct a Heritage Singers group in heaven?

MM: Yes, I am looking forward to taking auditions and directing a THOUSAND-voice choir along with the angels!

Many thanks to the steering committee of Linda Easley, Dona Fulmore, Joe and Cissa Saladino, Valerie Trees, and Jere Webb for their work in organizing this joyful event. For more information, a video of Webb's testimony and more pictures, go to www.Rejoice2018.org

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Featured in: January/February 2019


Eve Rusk

Idaho Conference communication director