Project Impact Expands at Boise Valley Adventist School

For several years, Project Impact has been synonymous with Idaho's Boise Valley Adventist School (BVAS). It is comprised of two words — project, a collaborative effort to achieve a goal, and impact, having a strong effect on someone. Project Impact is an activity started as a way to serve people and organizations right in the community and is an excellent opportunity to honor what God has called His people to do in the Great Commission of Matt. 28:16–20.

Students of BVAS revere Project Impact as one of the greatest memories and experiences of the school year. In addition, volunteers that are enlisted to chaperone note that Project Impact not only benefits the local community but impacts the students as they witness the fruits of their actions and the joy they bring to so many. 

This year BVAS increased its outreach efforts following the request of students. More service activities were incorporated and spread throughout the year in an effort to impact the community year-round, in addition to the weeklong event that is already scheduled in the spring.

The staff were faced with difficulty to find service activities that suited all age groups (pre-K through eighth grade), as some organizations had age or skill limits that exclude younger students. Therefore, monthly activities were planned that could be implemented on campus for all age groups during an all-school assembly and then distributed to the community.

Activities this year included making dog treats for the animal shelter, making bookmarks for the local library, supporting military troops, tying fleece blankets for local shelters and providing water bottles for a local fun run. However, Project Impact didn’t stop there. When the school was asked to help a local church family, food baskets were assembled, gifts were purchased and money was collected for the family in need. To go one step further, the students were challenged to think outside themselves during the spring week of prayer and raised money to provide stuffed animals for sick children at the local hospital. 

The staff of BVAS didn’t realize the influence Project Impact was having on their own student body until comments were heard from the students such as:

  • “Helping others feels good, and people are thankful for the things you give them.”
  • “I feel like a good person when I help others, and we are being more like Jesus.”
  • “It is important to help others because it spreads love and appreciation to those around us.”

This has reinforced to the staff of BVAS the importance of scheduling outreach activities, continuing the program and letting their light shine before others, so they may see good works and give glory to God.

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Featured in: September 2018
