If you could step into the multigrade (first through eight) classroom at Mountain View Christian School in Sequim, Wash., you would overhear a conversation like this one between Michelle Noonan and three of her upper-grade students.
Noonan: Each month we had a theme, a project and a field trip. What were your favorite field trips?
Heather: The one where we had lunch at the beach. We went to see a chemistry lab and a biology lab at the college after that.
Noonan: Did any of you like the recycling center?
Abbey: Not really. It was smelly!
Noonan: What fun projects did you enjoy this year?
Abbey: I liked when we made mugs to sell to raise money for ADRA [Adventist Development and Relief Agency]. I helped create the labels for that.
Noonan: That’s right. We had been learning about assembly lines, so you each worked at a different station. Once you finished your part then you sent it to the next station. What about the special programs we presented this year?
Tiana: We had an Education Sabbath in Sequim. I helped sing and was in the skit. My brother helped write the sermon.
Noonan: Yes, we did everything during the whole service. The eighth-graders wrote the sermon about our Beatitudes Bible study, and everyone had a part to do, whether they read the sermon, the Bible texts or put on the children’s story.
Heather: I was on the praise team for the Port Angeles program. The new Washington educational superintendent came and gave the sermon. I was also one of the main shepherds for the Christmas program.
Noonan: What other fun things did we do this year?
Tiana: I liked helping Miss Jess cut blackberry leaves for our pet stick bugs.
Abbey: I loved going to Outdoor School! Sunset Lake is awesome!
Noonan: Also for each of our monthly units we learned our states and our presidents. What did you find most fascinating about our presidents?
Abbey: How about the one who was afraid to turn the lights on and off?
Heather: Yeah, President Harrison and his wife. They hired someone to flip the switch for them, and he worked for them for 42 years.
Noonan: That’s right. Electricity was still a new thing for them. So, what are you girls going to miss about our school during the summer?
Tiana: Everything!
Heather: Everyone!
Noonan: Well, this year has been fun, and we have learned a lot. I am really excited for next year where we will learn more about the rest of the world and our countries.
Heather: What field trips will we be going on?
Noonan: TBA!
Tiana: To be announced? You always say that!
Michelle Noonan, Mountain View Christian School teacher, with three of MVCS’s sixth- through eighth-grade students