Mission on Fire

Hispanic Ministry Report

“Lord, grant that the fire of my heart may melt the lead in my feet.” — Unknown

In 2014, the Hispanic churches set their evangelistic goals for 2015. Today, these members can say, “Praise the Lord!” Their hearts are full of joy.

Why? Isa. 55:11 has been accomplished once again because 43 people were received with open arms into the family of God in this territory through mid-October 2015.  It is not because of human effort; it is because of Him. Members did their part conducting 18 evangelistic series, including five by lay people with their small groups. The elders, deacons and deaconesses did their part, setting dates to have baptisms, filling the baptistery with water and planning the public meetings, but God performed the miracles.

The Hispanic advisory committee met recently to set up the mission goals for 2016, which include planting the first Hispanic church in Boise. Why Boise? Boise is the capital and most populous city in Idaho. Based on the estimated population in 2013, 7.1 percent are Hispanic, totaling 15,210 Hispanic people. Adding the Hispanic population of the two closest cities, Meridian and Eagle (5,684 and 1,017, respectively), the total increases to 21,911. The challenge is to reach 21,911 Hispanic people with the fullness of God’s love as expressed in the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14.

How many churches need to be planted to reach them? Church members will do their part with one church at a time. Another reason to keep planting churches is that new churches evangelize better than older churches. Studies show that churches under 3 years old lead 10 people to Christ per 100 members in the church. Churches 3 to 15 years old win five people per year per 100 members in the church. When a church reaches 15 years old, that church wins three people per 100 members in the church. That is dramatic.

The Idaho Conference vision is to move us “from a top-down bureaucracy to a cutting-edge, equipping, lay-driven conference that is growing in personal spirituality and soul winning, with financial stability to fund the mission and ministry.” Planting new churches will move members from the sideline to the frontline. Let's move on!

Francisco Altamirano, Idaho Conference Hispanic coordinator and Treasure Valley Hispanic District pastor

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Featured in: January 2016