BVAS and National School Choice Week

Boise Valley Adventist School (BVAS) participated in National School Choice Week on Friday, Jan. 23, as a positive way to raise awareness about the school and the benefits of providing children with an effective education. 

The purpose of National School Choice Week is to empower parents to choose the best type of education for their children. During the week, participants planned events that highlighted their school and advanced their own message of educational opportunity.

Throughout National School Choice Week, 5,500 school participated across the country and featured thousands of unique events and activities. The staff at BVAS chose to celebrate this day by recognizing students who displayed outstanding character traits. Although academic preparation is extremely important at BVAS, the focus was on students who are making positive choices; encouraging fellow students, going out of their way to help others, maintaining a positive attitude and reflecting Christ’s character though their actions.  

In return, the teachers were also recognized for their tireless dedication to upholding the school mission and helping students achieve their potential and their dreams. To that end students were given the opportunity to write "warm fuzzies" (notes of recognition and thanks) to the teachers for their dedication and service.

The event was commemorated by distributing matching scarves to the entire student body as a way to bond the students together.   

National School Choice Week was the perfect opportunity to highlight BVAS and the good things that are happening in addition to recognizing student and teachers for outstanding effort. However, the true reward comes when a student makes a life decision to follow God. 

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Featured in: May 2015
